


Here's What You Want to Know

What is Hypnosis Really?

Consulting Hypnosis uses dedicated sessions consisting of relaxation techniques, visualizations, verbal suggestion, and focus to leverage the power of the unconscious mind to accomplish your personal goals. Although commonly misunderstood, this practice been utilized for centuries.

It is broken down into two steps. Step 1 is to relax the mind. Step 2 is to set new patterns.

The practice is well tested, profound, and effective. Most are downright delighted at the results.

How Much Does a Session Cost?

A typical, 90 minute session costs $150. In several cases, this is al that is needed to see results. With certain problems though, multiple sessions will be required. This is all covered and determined in our initial consultation. You can book a 15 minute discovery call with me to explore how is best to work with whatever issue you are facing.

Will I Remember the Session?

Absolutely! You will still be fully conscious and aware throughout the session. This is not about putting you to sleep or in a deep trance, but more about using techniques to RELAX the mind. From there, your mind will be more receptive to positive new programs that help you towards your goals.

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours

Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm

Sat & Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:

(210) 685-1263
